Saturday, June 28, 2008

Guilty as Charged

It was a lapse of judgment. While browsing one of my favorite websites (FabSugar!), I saw a pair of semi-fab sunglasses on ebay. They were cheap and cheap-looking...just like all of my sunglasses. There's a reason I don't spend more than $10 on sunglasses: the more I spend the quicker I lose them. For the last year I've wanted designer sunglasses, but never got up the nerve to buy them because I was sure I would lose them even before I got home.

After voting "no" on the cheap FabSugar recommended sunglasses, I made my fatal mistake: I typed in "Stella McCartney" in the search box. Oh, temptation! Two things caught my eye. They were both ending within 2 hours (I'm all about instant gratification) and they were both very reasonably priced with no other bidders (I hate last-minute bidding wars). The first auction was for a pair of Adidas runners. I love the Stella McCartney for Adidas brand. I *try* to be vegan, so I'm always on the lookout for vegan shoes. Check 'em out:

The second auction was for SUNGLASSES! That's right! I now own designer sunglasses. Fingers crossed that I don't lose them before the end of summer.

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